>"long time no see" ahh gif

Hello, we meet again. I'm writing less and less on this site because having a diary and journaling is just as effective to voice my thoughts.

So yeah, life starts moving pretty fast. It is nice to see my older posts, it's like I "changed", but in reality I just refined my tastes. Language learning and programming are subjects that are going to follow me my entire life, I've just accepted that. There is no way I can be happy without doing these two things, like, knowing how to do this stuff completely shaped my entire life. Of course I am going to expand on this topic.

Language learning

An innate ability to humans. We need to communicate, we need to learn a set of codes to send messages to one another. Are these messages always clear? Not really, but we try to convey them anyways. That aside, we are very good at learning languages, but some people develop this skill more than others, and once this skill is acquired, it is very addicting.

So yeah, I began learning Russian. Once you get past cyrillic it is rather "easy", it is a language with an indo-european roots, so the structure of the language will not be unfamiliar to those who speak a Romance or Germanic language. I wanted to learn a Slavonic language so here we are (because why learn cyrillic if I can't understand de words?). I realized I reach the top of the logarithmic scale that is learning Japanese, so learning a new language seemed to be the right choice.

It's like having a tattoo, once you get to three, there is no coming back. My goal/motivation is to be able to read Dostoyevski and Tolstói, I also want to browse the Russian-speaking internet, it must be wild. I am in no hurry, but still, I try to learn something new everyday. I gotta start consuming russian content asap.


I am making a game. Even though I was trying to make a game engine, it is a very complex feat a n00b like me can't confront (yet!). So I've been learning Blender and Unity to see such software in use. I've been watching a lot of @tokyospliff's videos. What an amazing programmer he is. He really is the embodiment of a classic videogame developer, check out Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Documentary on yewtube. These people were actually doing soykaf in their lives and were doing cool stuff, so the game was amazing. You gotta somehow share the soykaf you do, otherwise... Did it really happened? Is it worth doing anything if there are no witnesses to see it?

You can't learn how to be a gamedev by reading it on a book. A game is an interactive work of art where everyone who plays it interacts with the creator, so cool creators create cool experiences. If you don't think it this way you'll end up being a soulless code monkey with empy projects. Every work of art we make is an extension of ourselves, games are no different.

「You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you will find things more important than what you want.」

- Ging Freecss

Sometimes you really have to let go of the steering wheel and just let life happen.

I am not reading so much anymore. Sometimes having endless options is overwhelming. But if anything, I am creating way more stuff than before, so I am indeed, being more creative.

I've also learned that your own problems follow you anywhere. Changing locations will not simply solve everything, but experiences do. I had good experiences while travelling, so I want to keep doing it. Someday I will go to a slavic post-ussr country to check it out, I also want to learn Russian 'cause of that. It is just that, nobody is immune to propaganda, not a single soul, you don't really know shit about a country until you step on it. Another good thing about learning languages is that you inevitably learn a lot about the cultures that speak it, so it is yet another way to get closer to the truth.

I found out that one of the things that really motivates me to do something is to work in groups. Recently I've worked on a translation what recquired vast knowledge of certain popular shonen manga series. So I spent a lot of time talking to members of my team (editors and proof readers) and well, making an idea happen come alive is such an awesome feeling. I got invited to a con by a member of the staff that organizes it, and I am definitely attending.

Maybe that is why I am keen on making videogames, you can do wonderful things working alongside people that believe in what you're doing. I hope to earn a place like that someday. Of course, math and graphics are awesome as well.

Oh yeah, my pc got upgraded after a while! She's running as good as new. Much faster for sure. A bit dusty though.

  • CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
  • GPU: RX580 8GB
  • RAM: Kingston Fury 2x16GB @ 3200Mhz [new!]
  • MB: B450M DS3H
  • SSD_1: Kingston 240GB SATA
  • SSD_2: Kingston 1TB PCie 4.0 NVMe [new!]

This is what a foolproof パソコン looks like. I want to see if I can also put another RAM sticks (2x8GB @ 2400Mhz) to have a total of 48GB of RAM, although I don't know if it is possible.

If you read this much, let me thank you. The only reason I am still posting here is because I know at least some people read it. Thank you for being a witness of my existence in the wired.

Will I ever just shut up?
